Fulltext databases


SpringerLink is the most comprehensive on-line collection of journals, books and reference materials in the areas of science, technology and medicine from the publishers Springer and its affiliates.


The ScienceDirect database from the company Elsevier contains almost a quarter of the world’s peer-reviewed titles with full texts in the natural sciences, technology and medicine.

Wiley Online Library

Wiley Online Library is a multidisciplinary database of electronic journals, books and other documents from the publishing house John Wiley & Sons.

EBSCO – Academic Search Complete 

EBSCOHost is an interface enabling access to selected bibliographic and full-text databases.


ProQuest is a multidisciplinary database providing access to the full texts of journals, books, dissertations and other publications.


Emerald Premier is a multidisciplinary database providing access to the full texts of journals published by the publisher Emerald.

Bibliographic databases

Journal Citation Reports

Journal Citation Reports is a unique citation database from the Clarivate Analytics. JCR makes it possible to search for the most cited journals in the given fields, to evaluate the impact of scientific results and to perform further analysis with the help of citation links. The records contain not merely the total number of citations received, but also other indicators such as Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Cited Half-life and Citing Half-life.

Web of Science

Web of Science is an interface providing access to the citation and abstract databases of the company Thomson Reuters.


The Scopus database from the company Elsevier is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature in the world.