Flow of concentrated and complex slurries in closed conduits

Investigatorprof. Ing. Pavel Vlasák, DrSc.
Duration2010 - 2014

The effect of particle size distribution, particularly of colloidal and clay particles versus coarse-grained particles ratio, on the slurry structure and flow behaviour in horizontal, inclined and vertical pipes will be investigated for selected concentrated fine-grained and complex slurries. The suitable rheological and turbulent prediction models of dense fine-grained slurries will be determined based on the experimental investigation, focussed especially on mutual dependency of pressure drops, flow velocity and solids concentration in pipes of different diameters in the laminar and turbulent flow regimes. Validity of the two-layer model as well as empirical models of stratified complex slurries will be verified. Scale-up, possibility of optimisation of the slurry flow behaviour by change of the physical-chemical environment, the particle size distribution or mechanical treatment of the slurry will be studied. Attention will be also paid to the laminar/turbulent transition, particle movement in the bed region, slurry critical velocity and particle sedimentation.