Influence of granulometric composition on flow of heterogeneous slurries

Investigatordoc. Ing. Zdeněk Chára, CSc.
Duration2020 - 2022

Pipe flow of heterogeneous solid-liquid mixture (slurry) produces considerably higher friction
than flow of carrying liquid alone. The increase in friction is due primarily to contacts of
transported solid particles with a pipe wall. In order to decrease the frictional energy loss during
slurry transport, it is appropriate to minimize contact friction and an addition of finer solids
fraction can be instrumental in reaching this goal. However, different finer fractions affect the
coarse fraction friction in bimodal slurry flow through different mechanisms. The project
investigates a suitable granulometric composition of bimodal slurries with an aim to minimize
energy costs of the slurry transport. The research is based on an identification and description
of mechanisms governing interaction of two fractions in the bimodal slurry flow. A special
attention is paid to the proportion of grain sizes and volume concentrations of individual
fractions as well as to an effect of flow conditions on an optimization of design and operation of
pipelines transporting heterogeneous slurries.