
Current projects

TitleIdentificationDuration Investigator/Co-investigator
Characterization of polymer melts and solutions by means of constitutive equations GA17-26808S 2017 - 2019 Ing. Radek Pivokonský, Ph.D.
Electrocoagulation unit for microalgal biomass separation TJ01000297 2017 - 2019 RNDr. Lenka Čermáková, Ph.D. Ing. Brányiková Irena, Ph.D. (ÚCHP AV ČR, v.v.i.) Ing. Radek Vojtěchovský (ENVI-PUR, s.r.o)
Effect of pipe inclination on deposition-limit velocity and slip velocity of heterogeneous slurries GA17-14271S 2017 - 2019 prof. Ing. Pavel Vlasák, DrSc.
Local turbulent energy dissipation rate in dispersion systems GA16-20175S 2016 - 2018 Ing. Bohuš Kysela, Ph.D. doc. Ing. Radek Šulc, Ph.D. (FS ČVUT), prof. Ing. Václav Kopecký, CSc. (TUL)
Soil water regime in headwater catchments under climatic stress GA16-05665S 2016 - 2018 Ing. Miroslav Tesař, CSc. prof. Ing. Tomáš Vogel, CSc. (FS ČVUT)
Fully resolved simulation of particles transported in a turbulent flow GA15-18870S 2015 - 2019 doc. Ing. Zdeněk Chára, CSc.
Advanced methods for flow-field analysis GA14-02067S 2014 - 2016 Ing. Václav Kolář, CSc. Ing. Jakub Šístek, Ph.D. (MÚ AVČR, v.v.i.)
Local rate of turbulent energy dissipation in agitated reactors & bioreactors GAP101/12/2274 2012 - 2014 Ing. Bohuš Kysela, Ph.D. prof. Ing. Pavel Ditl, DrSc.
Development and application of new technics for a creation of early warning systems against flash floods TA02021451 2012 - 2015 Ing. Miroslav Tesař, CSc. Ing. Jindřich Fielder
Characterisation of algal organic matter and its effect on coagulation/flocculation process GAP105/11/0247 2011 - 2015 doc. RNDr. Martin Pivokonský, Ph.D.
Usage of electrorheological measurements in predictability of the process of electrospinning GAP105/11/2342 2011 - 2013 doc. Petr Filip, CSc. Doc. Ing. Vladimír Pavlínek, Dr. (Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University)
Chemically induced hydrodynamic instabilities in a liquid layer with a free gas-liquid interface GAP105/10/0919 2010 - 2014 Ing. Lenka Šebestíková, Ph.D.
Flow of concentrated and complex slurries in closed conduits GAP105/10/1574 2010 - 2014 prof. Ing. Pavel Vlasák, DrSc.
Effect of algal organic matter on adsorption of currently used pesticides onto granular activated carbon GPP105/10/P515 2010 - 2012 RNDr. Petra Hnaťuková, Ph.D.
Analysis and development of constitutive equations for description of non-Newtonian fluids GA103/09/2066 2009 - 2013 doc. Petr Filip, CSc. Prof. Ing. Martin Zatloukal Ph.D.
Dynamical properties of the Navier-Stokes and related equations IAA100190905 2009 - 2011 Ing. Zdeněk Skalák, CSc. Prof. RNDr. Jiří Neustupa, CSc. (Mathematical Institute ASCR) RNDr. Petr Kučera, CSc. (Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University)
Numerical model of the bed load transport of particle and cluster of particles under variable flow conditions in a channel GA103/09/1718 2009 - 2013 prof. Ing. Pavel Vlasák, DrSc.
Removal of organic matter produced by fytoplankton (AOM) and their influence on destabilisation and aggregation processes IAA200600902 2009 - 2013 doc. RNDr. Martin Pivokonský, Ph.D.
FR-TI1/156 2009 - 2012 prof. Ing. Pavel Vlasák, DrSc. Ing. Zdeněk Franc, Ph.D. (Hydrosystem project, a.s.)
Soluble and insoluble fraction of inorganic pollutants in various types of precipitation, their quantification and input into the ecosystems GA205/09/1918 2009 - 2013 Ing. Miroslav Tesař, CSc. Ing. Jaroslav Fišák, CSc. (Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR) RNDr. Jan Rohovec, Ph.D.
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