
Current projects

TitleIdentificationDuration Investigator/Co-investigator
Variability of the water regime components caused by the land cover and climate factors changes IAA300600901 2009 - 2013 RNDr. Václav Šípek, Ph.D.
Internal structure of settling slurry flows GA103/09/0383 2009 - 2013 prof. Dr. Ing. Václav Matoušek, Ph.D.
Decomposition techniques for flow-field analysis IAA200600801 2008 - 2012 Ing. Václav Kolář, CSc. Ing. Moses, Fakulta strojní ČVUT Praha
Hydrological fluxes in soil-plant-atmosphere system GA205/08/1174 2008 - 2012 Ing. Miroslav Tesař, CSc. Prof. T. Vogel, Ph.D. (Fakulta stavební, ČVUT Praha)
Identification of hydro-physical properties causing gravity driven flow in unsaturated porous media GA526/08/1016 2008 - 2010 Ing. Miroslav Tesař, CSc. RNDr. Pražák – ÚT AV ČR, RNDr. Bíl – PřFa UP Olomouc, Prof. Vogel – FSv ČVUT Praha
MEB0808114 2008 - 2009 Ing. Miroslav Tesař, CSc. Ing. Lichner – ÚH SAV Bratislava
Laboratory and numerical modelling of flow pattern in the cylindrical vortex separator IAA200600802 2008 - 2010 doc. Ing. Zdeněk Chára, CSc.
Rheological modelling of high-pressure polymer flows GA103/08/1307 2008 - 2012 doc. Petr Filip, CSc. Doc. Hausnerová, Ph.D. (Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University)
The influence of nanoscale reinforcement on the yield and creep behaviour of glassy polymers and their thermal consolidation IAA200600803 2008 - 2010 Ing. Pavel Říha, CSc.
SP/1A6/151/07 2007 - 2011 Ing. Miroslav Tesař, CSc.
FT-TA/044 2007 - 2010 Ing. Jiří Konfršt, Ph.D.
Laminar-Turbulent transition modeling GA103/07/0136 2007 - 2009 Ing. Bohumír Hoření, CSc. Doc. Horák, CSc. (Fakulta vojenské technologie Brno)
Rheology and Processing of Medical-Grade Polymeric Systems KJB208100702 2007 - 2009 Ing. Radek Pivokonský, Ph.D. Ing. Tomáš Sedláček Ph.D. (Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University)
The influence of algal organic matter (AOM) on coagulation process and separation properties of aggregates formed during water treatment GA103/07/0295 2007 - 2009 doc. RNDr. Martin Pivokonský, Ph.D.
The influence of the structure of flocculent aggregates on the course and efficiency of separation processes GA103/07/1016 2007 - 2009 doc. RNDr. Martin Pivokonský, Ph.D.
Investigation of flow behaviour for a novel class of metallocene-based polymers IAA200600703 2007 - 2011 Ing. Jiří David, CSc. Doc. Ing. Martin Zatloukal, Ph.D. (Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University)
Investigation of unusual flow phenomena of non-Newtonian fluids in complex geometries GA103/06/1033 2006 - 2008 doc. Petr Filip, CSc. Doc. Ing. Martin Zatloukal, Ph.D. (Faculty of Technology, Tomas Bata University)
Mechanisms of dispersion and friction in coarse-slurry flows GA103/06/0428 2006 - 2008 prof. Dr. Ing. Václav Matoušek, Ph.D.
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the Magnus force acting on the solid particle in fluid IAA200600603 2006 - 2010 prof. Ing. Pavel Vlasák, DrSc.
Implementation of the hydrological model SWIM (Soil and Water Integrated Model) in the upper Vltava basin KJB300600602 2006 - 2008 Ing. Romana Košková, Ph.D.
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