
Current projects

TitleIdentificationDuration Investigator/Co-investigator
Modelling of impacts of climatic changes on water reservoir management GA103/93/0841 1993 - 1995 doc. Ing. Josef Buchtele, CSc. prof. Ing. Karel Nacházel, DrSc. (FSv ČVUT, Praha)
Sediment transport and hydraulics of environmental acceptable rivers (shear) GA103/93/1051 1993 - 1995 prof. Ing. Pavel Vlasák, DrSc. Doc. Ing. Karel Mareš, CSc. (FSv ČVUT, Praha)
Rheology of oil/water emulsions - theoretical description and rheometry IAA260106 1993 - 1996 doc. RNDr. Petr Štern, CSc.
Rheodynamical analysis of flow defects in capillary extrusion of polymers GA106/93/2274 1993 - 1995 doc. Petr Filip, CSc. Ing. Jiří Bartoš (Fakulta technol. VUT, Zlín)
The influence of concentration and selected physical parameters of concentrated fine suspensions on flow regimes GA103/93/0397 1993 - 1995 prof. Ing. Pavel Vlasák, DrSc. Doc. Ing. Aleš Havlík, CSc. (FSv ČVUT, Praha) prof. Ing. Karel Brada, DrSc. (FS ČVUT, Praha)
Flow properties and turbulent characteristics of micellar drag reducing additives for district heating systems GA103/93/1050 1993 - 1994 Ing. Jiří Myška, CSc.
Quantification of the effect of volume changes on the flow of polymer melts IA26051 1992 - 1993 Ing. Pavel Říha, CSc.
Determination of the transfer rates between circular liquid impinging jet and a solid surface with particular emphasis to plane cooling IA26052 1992 - 1994 Ing. Václav Mík, CSc. Ing. Václav Mík, CSc. (ÚH AV ČR, Praha)
Hydrodynamic and rheological behaviour of viscoelastic liquids in technological junctions and elements of extrusion units IA26002 1991 - 1993 doc. Petr Filip, CSc.
Pulsatile flow of model and real fluids in the simulation of cardio-vascular system and its substitutes IA26006 1991 - 1993 Ing. František Klimeš, CSc. Ing. František Klimeš, CSc. (ÚH AV ČR, Praha)
Experimental data sets for verification and formulation of rheological and statistical models of suspensions flow IA26001 1991 - 1993 prof. Ing. Pavel Vlasák, DrSc.
Flow behavioour and turbulent properties of special surfactant additives with a micelle structure IA26007 1991 - 1993 Ing. Jiří Myška, CSc. Ing. Jiří Myška, CSc. (ÚH AV ČR, Praha)
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