Year | Citation | 2015 | Kolář, V., Šístek, J. (2015). Vortical structures: Some aspects of the recent identification schemes. In: COBEM2015 23rd ABCM International Congress of Mechanical Engineering, 6-11 December 2015, Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: ABCM. |
2015 | Kysela, B., Chára, Z., Konfršt, J. (2015). Numerical simulation of flow field induced by a moving cylinder. In: Z. Chára, L. Klaboch, eds. 29th Symposium on Anemometry, 2-3 June 2015, Holany-Litice. Praha: Ústav pro hydrodynamiku, pp. 114–120. |
2015 | Kysela, B., Jašíková, D., Konfršt, J., Šulc, R., Ditl, P. (2015). Estimation of turbulence dissipation rate by Large eddy PIV method in an agitated vessel. In: P. Dančová, T. Vít, eds. EPJ Web of Conferences. EFM14 – Experimental Fluid Mechanics, 18-21 November 2014, Český Krumlov. Les Ulis: EDP Sciences, pp. 02045-p.1–02045-p.5. |
2015 | Matoušek, V., Vlasák, P., (2015). Research advances in settling slurry flows. In: The 8th International Conference for Conveying and Handling of Particulate Solids, 3-7 May 2015, Tel Aviv. |
2015 | Matoušek, V., Vlasák, P., Chára, Z., Konfršt, J. (2015). Experimental study of hydraulic transport of coarse basalt. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Maritime Engineering. 148(2), 93–100. |
2015 | Melnikova, G.B., Kuzhel, N.S., Tolstaya, T.N., Konstantinova, E.E., Drozd, E.S., Shisko, O.N., Mokhort, T.G., Antonova, N., Říha, P., Kowalczuk, A., Koseva, N. (2015). Influence of polyacrylic acid nanoparticles on the elastic properties of RBCs membranes in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. Series on biomechanics. 29(4), 12–19. |
2015 | Merzlikina, D.A., Pyshnograi, I.G., Pyshnograi, G., Mikhail, T.U., Filip, P., Pivokonský, R. (2015). Mesoscopic single and multi–mode rheological models for a description of polymeric fluids flows. In: 10th Annual European Rheology Conference, Book of Abstracts, 14-17 April 2015, Nantes. Nantes: GFR. |
2015 | Navrátil, T., Shanley, J., Rohovec, J., Oulehle, F., Krám, P., Matoušková, Š., Tesař, M., Hojdová, M. (2015). Mercury in stream water at five Czech catchments across a Hg and S deposition gradient. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 158, 201–211. |
2015 | Peer, P., Filip, P., Štěnička, M., Pavlínek, V. (2015). Comparison of electrorheological characteristics obtained in two geometrical arrangements: parallel plates and concentric cylinders. In: M. Zatloukal, ed. Novel Trends in Rheology VI. AIP Conference Proceeding, 28-29 July 2015, Zlín. Melville: AIP Publishing, pp. 040005-1–040005-8. |
2015 | Petrov, A.G.; Kharlamova, I. (2015). Solution of Navier–Stokes equations in squeezing flow between parallel plates in axisymmetric case. In: The 16th International Conference on Fluid Flow Technologies, 1-4 September 2015, Budapest. |
2015 | Pivokonská, L., Čermáková, L., Pivokonský, M., Janda, V. (2015). Vliv preoxidace manganistanem draselným na koagulaci látek produkovaných sinicemi. In: Konference Pitná voda 2015, 6-8 October 2015, Trenčianské Teplice. |
2015 | Pivokonský, M., Načeradská, J., Brabenec, T., Novotná, K., Barešová, M., Janda, V. (2015). The impact of interactions between algal organic matter and humic substances on coagulation. Water Research. 84(November), 278–285. |
2015 | Pivokonský, R., Filip, P., Zelenková, J. (2015). Applicability of the modified XPP model to a description of flow behaviour of polymeric materials. In: M. Zatloukal, ed. Novel Trends in Rheology VI. AIP Conference Proceeding, 28-29 August 2015, Zlín. Melville: AIP Publishing, pp. 020004-1–020004-14. |
2015 | Pivokonský, R., Filip, P., Zelenková, J. (2015). Modified XPP model with a reduced number of parameters. In: 10th Annual European Rheology Conference, Book of Abstracts, 14-17 April 2015, Nantes. Nantes: GFR, 2015. |
2015 | Pivokonský, R., Filip, P., Zelenková, J. (2015). The role of the Gordon–Schowalter derivative term in the constitutive models – improved flexibility of the modified XPP model. Colloid and Polymer Science. 4(293), 1227–1236. |
2015 | Pivokonský, R., Filip, P., Zelenková, J. (2015). Visualization of elongation measurements using an SER universal testing platform. Applied Rheology. 25(1), 1–8. |
2015 | Šípek, V., Daňhelka, J. (2015). Modification of input datasets for the Ensemble Streamflow Prediction based on large scale climatic indices and weather generator. Journal of Hydrology. 528, 720–733. |
2015 | Slobodian, P., Cvelbar, U., Říha, P., Olejník, R., Matyáš, J., Filipič, G., Watanabe, H., Tajima, S., Kondo, H., Sekine, M., Hori, M. (2015). High sensitivity of a carbon nanowall–based sensor for detection of organic vapours. Royal Society of Chemistry – Advances. 110(5), 90515–90520. |
2015 | Slobodian, P., Říha, P., Olejník, R., Sáha, P. (2015). Functionalized multi–walled carbon nanotube paper for monitoring chemical vapors. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 15(5), 4003–4008. |
2015 | Tesař, M. , Fiedler, J., Mágr, Z. (2015). Lokální výstražný systém před přívalovými povodněmi (poloprovoz) |