ÚSTAV PRO HYDRODYNAMIKU AV ČR, v. v. i. > Matoušek, T., Adamová, S., Figueroa, A. G., Musil, S., Prokopová, M., Pivokonský, M., Filella, M. (2023). Hydride generation methods with ICP-MS/MS for (sub)ppt speciation analysis of antimony, arsenic, germanium and tellurium in natural uncontaminated waters. In: Book of Abstrakt (ICOBTE) & (ICHMET) 2023. Wuppertal: Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Special Session 10: 84561, pp. 296.
Matoušek, T., Adamová, S., Figueroa, A. G., Musil, S., Prokopová, M., Pivokonský, M., Filella, M. (2023). Hydride generation methods with ICP-MS/MS for (sub)ppt speciation analysis of antimony, arsenic, germanium and tellurium in natural uncontaminated waters. In: Book of Abstrakt (ICOBTE) & (ICHMET) 2023. Wuppertal: Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Special Session 10: 84561, pp. 296.