ÚSTAV PRO HYDRODYNAMIKU AV ČR, v. v. i. > Mrlík, M., Sedlačík, M., Pavlínek, V., Bažant, P., Sáha, P., Peer, P., Filip, P. (2013). Synthesis and Magnetorheological Characteristics of Ribbon-Like, Polypyrrole-Coated Carbonyl Iron Suspensions under Oscillatory Shear. Journal of Applied Polymer Scie
Mrlík, M., Sedlačík, M., Pavlínek, V., Bažant, P., Sáha, P., Peer, P., Filip, P. (2013). Synthesis and Magnetorheological Characteristics of Ribbon-Like, Polypyrrole-Coated Carbonyl Iron Suspensions under Oscillatory Shear. Journal of Applied Polymer Scie