ÚSTAV PRO HYDRODYNAMIKU AV ČR, v. v. i. > Petreje, M., Sněhota, M., Šípek, V., Hnátková, T., Punčochář, J., Buchtelík, S., Hardman, M., Trakal, L. (2025). Quantifying the benefits of incorporating biochar in green roof substrates: field study on the highrise rooftop in temperate climate setting. Biochar. 7, 7.
Petreje, M., Sněhota, M., Šípek, V., Hnátková, T., Punčochář, J., Buchtelík, S., Hardman, M., Trakal, L. (2025). Quantifying the benefits of incorporating biochar in green roof substrates: field study on the highrise rooftop in temperate climate setting. Biochar. 7, 7.