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2023 Dolejš, P., Andreides, D., Šmejkalová, P., Bartáček, J., Stejskal, O., Hložanka, F., Bureš, D., Pivokonský, M., Sochorová, H., Prokopová, M. (2023). Systém pro monitoring a správu technologických celků úpravny vody. (užitný vzor č. 37316)
2023 Fialová, K., Motlochová, M., Čermáková, L., Novotná, K., Báčová, J., Roušar, T., Šubrt, J., Pivokonský, M.(2023). Removal of manganese by adsorption onto newly synthesized TiO2-based adsorbent during drinking water treatment. Environmental Technology. 44(9),1322-1333.
2023 Filella, M., Matoušek, T., García Figueroa, A., Barešová, M., Prokopová, M., Pivokonský, M. (2023). Application of new state-of-the-art HG-ICP-MS/MS methods for (sub)ppt speciation analysis of some less studied TCEs (Ge, Sb and Te) in natural waters. In: ISEAC 41: International Conferences on Environmental & Food Monitoring, s. 108.
2023 Filella, M., Matoušek, T., García Figueroa, A., Barešová, M., Prokopová, M., Pivokonský, M. (2023). New state-of-the-art HG-ICP-MS/MS methods for (sub)ppt speciation analysis of some less studied technology-critical elements (Ge, Sb and Te) applied to contrasting freshwaters. In: Abstract Volume: 21st Swiss Geoscience Meeting. Bern: Swiss Academy of Sciences, s. 142.
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2023 Gebouský O., Haidl, J. (2023). Summary of the Liquid-Gas Ejector Hydraulic Behavior - Theory and Practice. In: Topical problems of fluid mechanics 2023, 22. - 24. 2., Prague. Prague: IT CAS, pp. 29-35.
2023 Gebouský, O., Idžakovičová, K., Haidl, J. (2023). Mixing characteristics of unbaffled bioreactor with levitating radial impeller. Chemical Engineering Science. 276(July), 118801.
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2023 Hofbauer, M., Šípek, V. (2023). Comparison of an organic farming system with a conventional farming system regarding the retention of plant available soil water during hydrologically extreme periods. In: Hydrologie, GIS a životní prostředí 2023. 14. - 15. 6., Lány. Praha: ČVUT. s. 6.
2023 Idžakovičová, K., Haidl, J., Gebouský O., Isoz M. (2023). Mixing characteristics of a magnetically driven Rushton turbine in an unbaffled stirred tank reactor. In: Topical problems of fluid mechanics 2023, 22. – 24. 2., Prague. Prague: IT CAS, pp. 60-67.
2023 Jeníček, M., Nedělčev, O., Hnilica, J., Šípek, V. (2023). Past and future decrease in snow in the central European rain-snow trasnsition zone. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 Apr 2023, EGU23-5576.
2023 Kloudová, B., Strmeň, T., Vrkoslav, V., Chára, Z., Pačes, O., Cvačka J. (2023). Gas dynamic virtual nozzle sprayer for an introduction of liquid samples in atmospheric pressure ionization mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry. 95(8), 4196-4203.
2023 Krušinová, Z., Prokopová, M., Krystyník, P., Klusoň, P., Pivokonský, M. (2023). Is electrocoagulation a promising technology for algal organic matter removal? Current knowledge and open questions. CHEMBIOENG REV. 10(2), 222-230.
2023 Krystyník, P., Klusoň, P., Mašín, P., Šyc, M., Jadrný, J., Krušinová, Z. (2023). Implementation of electrocoagulation for reduction of Zn in an outlet stream from waste incineration plant. Chemical Engineerig and Processing. 188(June), 109368.
2023 Lipina, P., Procházka, J., Tesař, M. (2023). Přístroje pro měření úhrnu srážek od historie po současnost. In: Hospodaření s vodou v krajině 2023, 6. – 7. 9., Třeboň. Brno: ČHMÚ, pp. 45-56.
2023 Matoušek, T., Adamová, S., Figueroa, A. G., Musil, S., Prokopová, M., Pivokonský, M., Filella, M. (2023). Hydride generation methods with ICP-MS/MS for (sub)ppt speciation analysis of antimony, arsenic, germanium and tellurium in natural uncontaminated waters. In: Book of Abstrakt (ICOBTE) & (ICHMET) 2023. Wuppertal: Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Special Session 10: 84561, pp. 296.
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